Woodland Management
If you want a cost-effective way to manage your woodland, then look no further. Out Of The Woods has all the necessary skills and machinery in house to offer you a practical approach to woodland management.
If you have a felling license or just thinking of getting one, or even just want help working out what is the best way forward with your woodland then we can help.
Whether you own a woodland estate or a small parcel of woodland we can work through the options available and deliver on your objectives.
What makes us different from other companies is that we own and operate the specialist machinery that we use in the woodland. Being part of the journey from conception to fruition ensures that we continually work in partnership with you to deliver on your priorities including:
- Final crop management
- Conservation
- Income generation
- Sporting
The Moritz mini forestry machine is the modern answer to managing woodland.
Imagine a remotely controlled machine, just 1.2m wide, on tracks with a hefty 75hp engine and only 1.5 tonnes so very low ground impact. This machine can winch, mulch, scarify to name but a few. It can be towed to site and due to its compact size manoeuvred via remote control to access those difficult areas.
Ideal for:-
- Ground Preparation
- Young Tree plantation maintenance
- Scrub Clearance
- Emergency Winch work

Other services we offer